充分利用我哋嘅洗手液嘅Tips | Tips for getting the most out of our handwash soap.



2. 如果噴嘴堵塞,用溫水快速沖洗下,用指甲或者細刷清除噴嘴下面積聚嘅硬塊(牙刷喺呢個情況非常有用)。

3.重複使用個樽總係好過將佢回收再造,呢個亦都係我哋有500ml 5L補充裝嘅原因。


洗手洗走令人討厭嘅化學物 – 定期洗手係良好衛生嘅習慣之一,但如果你曾經感覺到洗手後皮膚有刺痛感覺,可能會對你皮膚造成傷害多於好處。咁係因為某啲洗手產品中用咗化學品,例如月桂醇硫酸鈉(SLES),椰油酰胺丙基甜菜鹼,椰油酰胺DEA / MEA,係已為人知嘅皮膚刺激物,會去除皮膚嘅天然保護油層而導致雙手乾燥。長遠落去會導致更嚴重嘅問題,例如濕疹同皮膚炎。

我哋嘅洗手液含有豐富嘅潤膚精華 – 可以防止皮膚乾燥。我哋嘅洗手液由溫和嘅天然成分製成,例如油酸甘油酯,即係代表你可以每日多次洗手,而唔會洗去皮膚上嘅天然保護油層。皮膚需要修復同再生去保持健康,而呢個過程係需要水分,咁正係潤膚精華大派用場嘅地方。潤膚精華幫助皮膚吸收同保持水分,喺皮膚上提供保護層去密封水分並防止水分蒸發。佢哋仲可以增加皮膚嘅持水能力,並將水吸入皮膚,令手感更加平滑。我哋有4種香味嘅洗手洗:香橙廣藿香,玫瑰天竺葵,椰子香草,檸檬草,仲有無香料嘅防敏配方。

保持泵嘅良好狀態 – 洗手液中一啲植物提取物嘅成分因為暴露喺空氣中往往會變乾同結成硬塊,最終會導致噴嘴堵塞。其中一個主要成分係Guar Gum,佢來自瓜爾豆,係一種天然穩定劑同增稠劑。但我哋認為用瓜爾膠同油酸甘油酯等天然成分去代替化學物係絕對值得。我哋正努力改善呢個情況,與此同時,如果你按照上面嘅建議,咁你應該會冇問題地保持泵嘅運作!


We’ve compiled some advice on using ecostore handwash soap effectively and about how to avoid some nasty chemicals.

1. Remember, a little goes a long way, one or two pump’s worth of soap is all you need for a thorough clean.

2. If the nozzle gets clogged then give it a quick rinse in warm water and remove any build-up of soap underneath the nozzle with your fingernail or with a small brush (a dedicated toothbrush is really good for this job).

3. Re-using is always preferable to recycling, which is why we also make our handwash in 500ml and 5L refill sizes.

4. For hygiene reasons it’s a good idea to rinse the whole pump regularly before you refill it. Just place the pump in warm water, gently brush the nozzle removing any dried liquid soap and pump water through a few times.

Washing your hands clean of nasty chemicals. Washing your hands regularly is one of the basics of good hygiene, but if you’ve ever noticed a tight tingling feeling after washing your hands you could be doing your skin more harm than good. That’s because of some of the chemicals used in hand wash products, like Sodium Laureth Sulphate (SLES), Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide DEA/MEA, are known skin irritants that can cause dry hands by stripping away the skin’s natural protective oils. This is not so good because dry, irritated skin can lead to more serious problems later on like eczema and dermatitis.

Rich emollients in our hand wash for preventing dry skin. Our hand washes are made from gentle, naturally derived ingredients, such as Glyceryl Oleate, which means you can wash your hands many times a day without stripping the natural protective oils from your skin. Skin needs to repair and regenerate to stay healthy which requires moisture and that’s where emollients come in handy; they are used in moisturisers to help dry skin gain and retain moisture. Providing a protective layer on top of the skin to seal in moisture and prevent it from evaporating. They also increase the water-holding capacity of the skin and draw water into the skin providing a natural slip and glide across skin for a smoother feel. We have 3 flavours of handwash: Orange and Patchouli, Rose and Cardamon and Coconut and Vanilla.

Keep your pump in good shape. Some of the plant-based ingredients we use in our hand washes tend to dry out when they’re exposed to air for long periods, meaning any residue in the pump nozzle, builds up eventually clogging the pump. One of the main culprits is Guar Gum which comes from the Guar bean and is a natural stabilising agent and thickener. But we think the pay off for using natural ingredients like Guar Gum and Glyceryl Oleate instead of nasty chemical alternatives is well worth it. What do you reckon? We’re working hard to fix this situation but in the meantime, if you follow the easy steps above you should have no problems keeping your pump pumping!

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